Tuesday, June 22, 2010


这套戏林峰在这戏叫kingsley, 好有型的名字,本身也是个物理科博士兼权威。 帮助杨怡的小组破了不少案子。
在这戏里的他,整个神一般的,拥有财富智慧,相貌堂堂玉树临风,名门望族, 还有什么可奢侈?
come sing sing the theme song.. "直到开始想喜欢我...直到终于不喜欢我.....直到碰上一个,逃避一个,追不上,躲不过......" ..................... ~_~ haih

omg labbit found her couple!! leave me alone in this S&A group, well im happy that you finally found someone who loves you and you are fall with. so sweet when i saw both you you posting comments and each other wall. ^^ i hope you will happy always with him and do not remember me after u get a bf !! btw i still blame you not telling me at the first moment! im gona make you treat me something as return!! rawr!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

silent night

Was planned to help someone with something end up watching drama alone till late night~ Later gona start tons of assignments which i hated the most which till the degree of i rather take exams (@.@).
hope my groupmates could help up ~ well i trusted my "secretary" who is carrie coz she did most of the job xD keep it up i will give you bonus someday !
Trying to update my blog so that it becomes a habit? Days later when i view back it could provide me sweet and sour memories that are valuable =)
One more thing, im still a failure guy T__T

Saturday, June 12, 2010


星期六出生的男子(me),是个不折不扣的个人主义者。他们十分独 立,天生不喜欢拜托他人什么,凡事都会靠自己的能力完成。他 们不希望成为他人的负担或压力,这种态度,
也充分的反映在感情观里。 这一天出生的男人,能够接受的是独立自由的恋爱观,和情人维持如友谊一般的关系,即使若即若离也不介意。他们很懂得独立生存之道,也很能享受独处的乐趣。
这样的男人,能够自己一个人过得很好,并不太擅於与他人分 享自己的心思和感觉,所以尽管表面上礼貌大方,其实一般人对 他的了解,还是不多。
他的内心世界,对於许多人而言,永远是一个谜。个性十分审 慎的他们,不会多表达自己的感情,所以也不要指望他会甜 言蜜语。对於他人,时常存有戒心,心防很重,所以经常将感情 放在心中,
处於单恋或暗恋的状态。如果你想和这样的男人交往,不妨多 费点心,留意他的一些暗示,藉著言语和肢体动作上的默契,把 握住机会,对他表白你的心意。

Friday, June 11, 2010


不知怎么的, 今夜的我不想睡。。 虽然已经深夜,却好无睡意。
那些无聊的昆虫显然向我挑战,向我施虐, 在我的身体画上一个个的小红印,献上它们的初吻,都扫了两次,还是满地都是,真让人心烦。
此刻的我,在琢磨着人的想法,我到底是怎么想的呢?你到底要的是什么呢?怎么样才会能让我更了解自己? 别要我做和尚,也不要叫我进基督教。
人应该随兴吧?可是随兴可能会伤害到别人;人应该谨慎吧?谨慎的人往往都会因想太多而错过什么。。 人生怎么这么矛盾呀?

另外的,我的朋友遇到了第三人,我极力劝道离开他,因为她男友对她很好,实在是恩爱的一对!可是这第三人的出现,破坏了他们,而且这第三人,人人都说他的不是,可想而知他接近你是居心可测?也许我数他的不是你会不高兴,可是都是作为朋友的一些立场和看法。。。离开他吧,就算你做不到也得做,时间是最好的解药! 别再越陷越深了! 祝你天天开心!你可能看不到,只盼你能冲出迷障,做回可爱开心的你~!

还是睡觉了,又要扫虫 -.- 晚安~

Monday, June 7, 2010

i Wish

It's been a long time not updating this blog.. Well fb does satisfy my needs and i dont emo as others so often... Indirectly, this is a channel for me to express when I emo.. >_>
What i have done since the last post, hmm guess just some ordinary lifestyle... study sleep play exam bla bla.. and of course relaxing sem break... I did meet up with some good friends and we did had fun playing badminton... karaoke.. counter strike too until late night... and also yumcha session that cant be missed out. Result released and i was not dare to view it .. well it was not that bad as i imagined but thats the worst after i got into utar. Hope this will be the lowest so that i can maintain my cgpa and get good job after i graduate. Like what my brother said they interview you and evaluate you by cgpa.. Although i cant boost up until first class or so but hope that it wont be too low for my future. After all i still care about my result..

Another thing thats worth to share is that i made some new friends in ice breaking this semester :D it was fun joining this activity and making new friends. This year's was so different compared to last year's one.. we had two trial game sessions which allow us to try ourselves before the event day and we did have fun during the trial ! we splash each other and finally we were all wet haha... On the event day we did have fun too i guess, even though it was tiring X_X . Naughty me still go for Abox and pool on the same day ! luckily didn fall sick lolzz.. Last night we celebrated allen and tec birthday~ it was a moderate size of gathering but unfortunately hooi nin went for some stuff so she couldnt join us. It was a fun night playing games with all of you~! some funny brain tricks? lol witty or dummy one we all had fun laughing each other! Sigh, hope we can maintain our friendship and we can be long last friend =)

Today morning lecture was Customer Relation Management... When the lecturer conducted, he talked about relationship with customers but well the whole chapter can be apply to couple relationship. I was so interested to see whether i can learn something to maintain relationship with others but at the same time someone is not responding to my initiates... i feel so down.. Am i fated to fail in love matters? I hate being passive and dumb... sigh lets get well soon..